Wednesday 23 November 2011

The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing

The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing
If you are like many, this free report was your first introduction to Ann Sieg.and this industry changing report.

I was seeking answers to the big question,
The Question that if answered would help myself and the team I am building explode their business beyond their wildest dreams.
“Isn’t there a better, smarter, less-offensive way to do this Network Marketing thing?”

After taking the industry by storm in 2007, over fifteen hundred copies of this book are still being downloaded month after month.

Are the “7 Great Lies” Still The Same Today

Well let’s take a look and you tell me?

Lie #1 – Everyone Is Your Prospect
For me personally, I can recall thinking “Ah Ha! I have found the PERFECT business to be in…
This company has something for everyone.

So everyone that even looks my way -and even those who don’t- will be instantly qualified as my prospect.”

The truth of the matter though, is they weren’t. No matter what my MLM /network marketing Company was about, some people were simply NOT a qualified prospect.

Lie #2 – This Really Isn’t Sales. We just share the products with people.
You honestly don’t want to know how much money I spent on samples in order to ‘just share the product.
I was working on a wing and a prayer… knowing if I could just get the sample into the right hands, they would fall in love with it and be my Superstar. I would be on the road to success.
Ever been there?
YES! This is sales.
But hey, when I want to go on a specific vacation with my hubby, I have to put on my salesmanship hat…
Same when I want my kids to clean their room…
Practically anything I do involves selling someone on an idea. Truth be told – life is one sales meeting after another.

Lie #3 – Anyone Can Do This.
Really? Anyone?
My bet is if you are reading this post, at some point in time you told yourself
“Why am I even trying? I just can’t do this.”
So, what do you think now? Can ANYONE do this?

Lie #4 – We’ll Build Your Business For You
Has anyone ever told you that? I’ve sure heard it a time or two.
I have one question…Why?
Why would someone else spend their precious time making your paycheck? And at the end of the day, this checks out to be a lie.

Lie #5 – We Have The Best Product Ever
Do I really have to cover this one?
EVERY company, MLM or otherwise, strives to deliver the best product ever.
Have you ever heard the term, ‘Build a Better Mousetrap?’
Just because it’s the BEST doesn’t give you any guarantees. Marketing is still the name of the game. Besides, someone will eventually come along and build a better product that is highly competitive.
So, what’s your opinion?
Is your product alone going to ensure your success?
I think not.

Lie #6 – You Just Don’t Have Enough Belief
Having worked with Ann for the previous four years, I have literally spoken with hundreds of Network Marketers who have plenty of belief.
This is a proven industry. You know that and I know that. We all believe in this industry.
And we should all believe in ourselves. Personally, I think it takes a very confident person to sign on that dotted line and venture out as an entrepreneur. We are a take-charge group of people. Strong-willed and determined to believe in ourselves when those around us don’t.
It can feel insulting to be told we don’t have enough belief! Hmpf!
Got Belief? Check.

Lie #7 – The Proven System
Oh Boy!
Here in 2011, I think there are more ‘proven systems’ than ever before. All anyone has to do is hit Google looking for their sure-fire system, and they are bound to be overwhelmed with all the options.
There’s tens of thousands of websites out there boasting that they have your ‘proven system.’ So, who are you going to believe? And who’s gonna get your hard-earned money?
Now, let’s revisit my question again,

Are the “7 Great Lies” still the same today as they were four years ago?

The answer is a resounding YES!

But I don’t want you to agree with me just because I say so.
Take a minute to pull out your copy of Ann’s report (or download it again if you can’t remember where you filed it) and see what she has to say about all of these ‘lies.’

Then, come back to this post and let’s discuss your own personal experiences, thoughts and opinions.
Revisit The 7 Great Lies Of Network Marketing
Click the ’7 Great Lies’ image below to download this groundbreaking free report

Ann Sieg and Ty Tribble's Blogging For Prospects